Cloud-based Monitoring vs. On-site Monitoring - Which One is the Best for your Business?

July 27, 2021

As we progress towards a more digital age, businesses require more efficient ways of handling their IT infrastructure. One of the ways they do this is by monitoring their networks to ensure that everything is functioning as expected. Generally, there are two main ways of monitoring IT infrastructure today, either by using on-site monitoring systems or cloud-based monitoring systems.

In this article, we'll briefly highlight the differences between the two systems and evaluate their pros and cons.

Cloud-based monitoring

Cloud-based monitoring is a system opt-in which businesses use remote servers off-site to monitor their networks. Monitoring tools are set up on servers and utilize the cloud’s processing power to analyze and debug network-related issues. These monitoring tools can routinely check for possible issues, giving businesses greater control over their infrastructure.

Cloud-based monitoring solutions offer the following benefits:

  • Incredibly scalable with higher capacity and performance to handle complex tasks.
  • No need for physical maintenance or updates saving businesses a considerable amount of time and money.
  • Accessible from anywhere via an internet connection, making it easy to monitor IT infrastructure remotely.

Recent studies show that cloud-based monitoring systems can improve organizational efficiency by up to 63%. Also, cloud-based monitoring is offered on a subscription basis, eliminating the upfront costs of purchasing hardware or software; this makes it a cost-effective option for many businesses.

On-site monitoring

On-site monitoring is the traditional method where organizations use hardware and software to monitor their infrastructure. Monitoring tools are installed on-premises, and alerts regarding potential issues are sent out to the IT team. On-site monitoring systems are mainly used in organizations with legacy infrastructure or industries where security requirements dictate that information must remain on-premises.

Here are some of the advantages of on-site monitoring:

  • Faster response time since alerts are sent directly to in-house IT teams.
  • Allows businesses full control over their systems and the ability to configure, adjust and customize monitoring tools.
  • Offers comprehensive visibility of systems that is difficult to achieve using cloud-based systems.

However, on-site monitoring has the following limitations that make it less practical:

  • Can be expensive both upfront and on an ongoing basis due to high maintenance, hardware, and software upgrade costs.
  • Scalability is limited, making it difficult to handle sudden spikes in demand.
  • High security standards for information storage necessitate additional security measures.

So, which monitoring solution is best?

The answer depends on the organization, its size, and its industry. If an organization already has existing equipment and the expertise to manage it, then on-site monitoring could be a better option. In comparison, startups, emerging companies, or medium-sized organizations may prefer cloud-based monitoring, thanks to the flexibility, scalability, and low maintenance, among other benefits.

As the transition to cloud-based systems continues, it is anticipated that over 50% of businesses will move their IT operations to the cloud by 2025.

In conclusion, cloud-based monitoring offers more advantages in terms of scalability, cost, and flexibility. At the same time, on-site monitoring offers better system visibility and faster response times. Businesses must evaluate their needs before deciding on the system that works best for them.


  1. "Cloud-based Monitoring Can Improve Organizational Efficiency by 63%", Gartner IT Symposium, available online at
  2. "Cloud-based computing industry statistics and trends",, available online at

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